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Instant Film - Holiday Gift Guide

I was doing some holiday shopping at a box chain the other day, when I noticed a fellow at the check out trying to buy a Polaroid camera and some film as a gift. Unfortunately, he had the wrong film for the camera he was purchasing and the staff at the store were no help. The lineup behind him kept getting longer and he looked a wee bit stressed. I felt bad for the guy and also realized that there are probably many other humans like him, just trying to buy a nice gift for the instant film lover in their life, and ending up stressed instead. So, I put together some basic info/tips to help.


A lot of folks refer to all instant film as “polaroids” which is totally fine but , if you are buying a gift or are new to the instant film world, you need to know that not all instant film and film cameras are made by Polaroid. For the sake of simplicity we will focus on the two most popular brands, Polaroid (duh!) and Fuji Instax. The products offered by each brand are NOT INTERCHANGEABLE, meaning Fuji Instax film won’t work in a Polaroid camera and Polaroid film won’t work in a Fuji Instax camera.

Camera + Film Bundles

If you are buying a gift for someone just starting out on their instant film journey, someone that doesn’t even own an instant film camera yet, you have it a lot easier when it comes to gift buying. Unless they have a specific brand or camera in mind, your options are endless. If this is you and your budget allows for it, your best bet is to buy a camera/film bundle. Both Polaroid and Fuji Instax offer bundled deals so, not only do you get a bit of a discount buying it as a package but, you also know you are getting the right film which makes things SUPER EASY. Some options:

Fuji Instax Bundles

Fuji’s Instax line-up is definitely the right choice for beginners. The film is less expensive compared to Polaroid, it is easier to find and the cameras tend to be a bit more user friendly meaning less film wasting.

Fuji Instax 11 Bundle - Produces credit card sized images. Most user friendly, cheapest and easiest to find film

Fuji Instax Square SQ1 - Bundle - Classic square film. Film is bit more expensive and can be a bit harder to find (in Canada at least).


Fuji Instax Wide Bundle - The largest Instax format. Again film is a bit more expensive and harder to find.

Fuji Instax Wide

Polaroid Bundles

Polaroid Now - Everything Box - Produces the classic square polaroid we all know and love.


Polaroid Go - Everything Box - Smaller camera, smaller film. It is basically a miniature version of the camera listed above.


Something that a lot of folks don’t know is that film expires. Instant film typically expires 1 year after the production date with Polaroid being the one that degrades the quickest. DON’T BUY EXPIRED FILM. It is always best to purchase the film from a reputable source. Your best bet is to purchase from a local camera store or directly from the source (, that way you know you are buying film that has been stored correctly. This doesn’t mean you can’t buy it from other places. I have bought film from box chain stores like amazon and even Urban Outfitters and had no issues…yet. Just make sure you double check the expiration date and keep any purchased film stored in a cool dry place (I keep mine in the fridge). To ensure you have the right film I have created a cheat sheet below:

Fuji Instax

Fuji Instax Mini Film - Can be used with the Instax Mini 40, Mini 90 Neo Classic and the Mini 9,10, and 11.

Fuji Square Film - Can be used with the Instax SQ 5 and SQ 1

Fuji Wide Film - Can be used with the Instax 310 and 300


Polaroid Go Film - Is itty bitty and can only be used in the Polaroid Go Camera.

Polaroid I-type Film - Can only be used in I-type cameras. These are the newer Polaroid cameras like the, Polaroid Now, Now +, One Step and the One Step +. This film cannot be used in the Polaroid Go and it cannot be used in vintage Polaroid Cameras.

Polaroid 600 Film - This film can be used in the old school Polaroid 600 cameras, as well as, the Polaroid Now, Now +, One Step and the One Step +. This film cannot be used in the Polaroid Go.

Other fun stuff

If you want to steer away from the camera and film stuff there are also a bunch of accessories that would make great gifts as well:

If you are still a little confused and would like some extra info regarding your instant film gifts, I would love to help! Just hit the Help button bellow and ask away!